For more detailed information check out my resumé.
1994 Graduate of Shippensburg University with a B.S.B.A in Business Information Systems.
SAIC [ May 2012 - Current]
:: Senior Software Engineer
Lindsey Wilson College [October 2008 - May 2012]
:: System Analyst/Web Developer
WebTek Central [July 2008 - Current]
:: President/CEO
Chenega Technical Services Corporation [2002 - 2008]
:: Senior Domino Web Developer
Maxim Group/Tek Systems [2000 - 2002]
:: Systems Analyst /Consultant
PHICO Ins. Group [1998 - 2000]
:: Systems Analyst
Stoner Associates [1995 - 1998]
:: Client Services Technician
Ford New Holland [Summer 1994]
:: Information Systems Intern
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Work Phone: (270) 384-7334 at Lindsey Wilson College
Home Phone / Fax
(270) 565-1333 / 1.559.961.3606